OpenBlade optimize all elements such as power supply, network cables or cooling systems. 2CRSI’s R&D follows most of the Open Compute Project to get a high level of quality and efficency to increase Green IT level.

1U power bank 400/480V AC, up to 14 400W
Openblade is meant to be simple. With 1U redundant power shelf, you are able to power the whole enclosure and distribute 12V DC through protected Power Bars. This lowers your energy bill.

2 redundant hot swap fans for 5U
The redundant cooling system has a back flow preventer to ensure that hot air will not go back inside the chassis. The air cooling system ensures a low operating noise level thanks to silent block mounting.

Front switch and management IO
Regarding connectivity, all I/O are in the front of the OpenBade for an easier accessibility. Front IO for network and management boards means no more cables at the back of the rack, which gives 90% less cables. With this configuration, it prevents access to the hot corridor in data centers.
User oriented, the OpenBlade is optimized to be handy and to reduce its environmental impact